Sunday, September 28, 2008
Obama "Truth Squad" Nails Bill Clinton!
Satire By John W. Lillpop
Proving that not all Change is necessarily a good thing, some powerful Democrats in Missouri have taken the unprecedented step of forming "Truth Squads" to protect Barack Obama from "false criticisms."
Television station KMOV has aired a story alleging that two St. Louis County Circuit Attorneys are threatening to bring criminal libel charges against anyone who levels what turns out to be false criticisms of their chosen candidate for President, that of course being Barack Obama.
The mind boggles at the potential for abuse, especially since the Truth Squad appears to be on the prowl only for false criticisms aimed at the Democrat. Locals are apparently free to lambaste John McCain with lies at will.
Again, liberal insanity makes national headlines.
With the U.S. economy in meltdown, Russia invading Latin America, and the Chinese implementing population control with poison milk, there is hardly enough news to keep news junkies satisfied.
Team Obama Truth Squads could fill the news gap with some outrageous hilarity during the 40 odd days left until the election.
For instance, suppose that Bill Clinton decided to stump for Obama in St. Louis.
Suppose also that Bubba inadvertently repeats his "fairy tale" comment about the Obama candidacy, hastening the following emergency call:
Operator? This is a powerful attorney and I am reporting an emergency. Barack Obama has been libeled-- we need an armed police response now!
9-11 Operator:
Please remain calm, sir. Did I understand you to say that Barack Obama has been criticized publicly? What exactly was said and by whom?
Bill Clinton, racist and known enemy of all black people, said that Obama is chasing a "fairy tale" by running for president!
9-11 Operator:
Oh, my goodness. That is serious--and probably above my
pay grade! Is this Clinton fellow armed?
No, he is anti-gun, remember? Please get the police over to
KMOV studios immediately. We have to stomp out this hate speech before it spreads to other TV stations!
9-11 Operator:
Sir, I have seven squad cars rolling that way as we speak. Do your best to restrain this Clinton nut until the men in Blue arrive. And thank you for calling 9-11!
Within minutes, 20 of St. Louis' best and brightest arrive with weapons flashing. They quickly surround Bubba and order him to surrender or face the consequences.
As the KMOV cameras roll, Slick Willie gives in, is handcuffed, shoved into a police car, and hauled to the nearest police precinct in downtown St. Louis.
At the police station, Slick Willie demands that his right to make one telephone call be honored.
Obama's Truth Squad advises Slick that all phones are busy and will not be back in service until 8 AM, November 5, at which time he will be free to make one local call.
That, my fellow Americans, is Truth and the American way from the "Show Me!" state of Missouri!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Barack Obama's Cruel 9/11 Message
By John W. Lillpop
America is about to commemorate the seventh anniversary of 9/11. We do so while embroiled in a hotly contested national election.
Under the circumstances, one would expect candidates from both major political parties to deliver inspirational eulogies on behalf of the 3,000 victims and their families, and to remind Americans of the urgent need to remain ever diligent in fighting Islamofascism.
Unfortunately, delivering uplifting cries of patriotism is simply not in the DNA of most liberals, including the erstwhile community coordinator now serving as standard bearer for the Democrat Party.
Rather than working to unify Americans in remembrance of that awful September morning and of the wars that must still be waged and won in order to preserve American independence and freedom, Democrat Barack Obama has made statements which suggest that he sides with terrorists.
As reported by Aaron Klein at,
"Obama's comments about legitimate causes' of terror groups and 'root problems of causes and dangers' seems to echo little-noticed remarks the presidential candidate made eight days after 9/11 in which he said the attacks were carried out because of a lack of "empathy" for others' suffering on the part of al-Qaida, whose terrorist ideology 'grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.'
"Obama went on to imply the Sept. 11 attacks were, in part, a result of U.S. policy, lecturing the American military to minimize civilian casualties in the Middle East and urging action opposing 'bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent.'
"Even as I hope for some measure of peace and comfort to the bereaved families, I must also hope that we, as a nation, draw some measure of wisdom from this tragedy," Obama wrote in a piece about 9/11 published Sept. 19, 2001, in Chicago's Hyde Park Herald."
All of which proves that, despite his protestations to the contrary, Obama was indeed paying attention during the terrorist-friendly rants delivered by Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Furthermore, if Obama wants the U.S. to determine the "root causes" for 9/11, then he seems to be implying that ramming jumbo jets into New York City skyscrapers and the Pentagon might be more acceptable if we only knew WHY the terrorists decided to cremate 3,000 innocent Americans, while said victims were still alive.
Perhaps Mohamed Atta had a disturbed childhood in which he was unfairly denied the opportunity to become a suicide bomber, and 9/11 was his way of acting out against overly strict parents?
Or perhaps Osama bin Laden desires to murder tens of millions of Americans because, during his youth, he was molested by a gay mullah in an isolated cave?
Reality check: Perhaps Obama's "my Muslim faith," faux pas was not really a slip of tongue at all?
According to people who think like Obama and Representative Barbara Lee (D-CA), instead of attacking Al-Quaeda conclaves in Afghanistan in October, 2001, President Bush should have offered to meet with OBL and other Islamofascist terrorists to determine the "root causes" for the wanton murders on 9/11.
Hear ye, hear ye, progressive dim wits everywhere:
Islamofascists attacked America because they want to destroy our way of life and replace it with Sharia law and mandatory conscription into the army of Allah!
There is no romantic sub-plot here. Osama bin Laden and Al-Quaeda would incinerate every home in America if they were able because they hate Democracy, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, atheism, feminism--everything that falls short of reverence for, and obedience to, Allah!
Granted that Barack Obama is much too young to know much about Pearl Harbor, another grave attack on America.
However, any man or woman who aspires to the presidency of the United States should make an honest attempt to understand history.
Pearl Harbor 101, for Obama and friends:
President Franklin Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress did NOT waste precious time trying to determine the "root cause" behind the Japanese attack that left 2,500 American sailors dead in Pearl Harbor!
Instead, America declared war on the enemy, took actions necessary to execute that war, remained steadfast in determination to win, and eventually did win the war!
The lesson? When Americans have been attacked and are at risk of being attacked again, damn legitimate claims and root causes!
To paraphrase President Bush, who despite all his other failings, has thus far prevented a second 9/11 from happening on his watch, "Either you are with us or you are against us!"
Which is it, Senator?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Aborting Nancy Pelosi's Unholy Communion
By John W. Lillpop
Nancy Pelosi is an intrepid progressive who rarely deviates from the basic tenets of liberalism, including devout worship of abortion rights, the Holy Grail of liberalism.
She is also a Catholic, a fact that would appear to be in direct conflict with her stance on abortion. In a recent stint on Meet the Press, Pelosi was asked to reconcile the conflict by host Tom Brokaw.
Pelosi's response shocked good Catholics, as well as some not-so-good ones, from coast to coast, and cast a pall over the mental health of the woman who stands third in line for succession to the United States presidency.
She essentially said that that church fathers, such as St. Augustine, had not defined over the centuries when life begins nor did they have a solid position on abortion.
Understand that Nancy Pelosi has never been mistaken for an intellectual, or a gifted genius with obvious potential to own Mensa.
Nor does the Lady bring the credentials of a theological scholar to the debate.
Still, by claiming that the Catholic Church does not own a solid position on abortion, Madam Speaker crashed through the incredulity ceiling with greater force than when she became the first woman Speaker of the United States House.
She also sent some Catholics into comatose shock upon learning of her confusion on an issue so critical to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Then again, Pelosi lives in San Francisco where progressive ideology usually trumps religious values every day of the week, 24/7.
Living in The City has given Pelosi the luxury of residing in her make believe dream world without being challenged as to her eligibility to participate in Catholic rituals such as Holy Communion.
Until now, that is.
Egged on by Catholics angered by Pelosi's schizophrenic "have it both ways" behavior, San Francisco Archbishop George H. Niederauer may be about to put an end to Pelosi's Unholy Communion.
In a letter delivered to Pelosi's office, Archbishop Niederauer stated that local Catholics are pressuring him to forbid the California Democrat to receive Holy Communion because of her recent televised remarks favoring abortion.
For the benefit of non-Catholics and "Cafeteria Catholics" alike, Holy Communion is the top sacrament of the church. It is supposed to indicate a firm commitment to Church teachings, rather than an empty gesture made only to make one feel better on Sunday mornings.
Archbishop Niederauer's letter was a strong indication that one of America's most prominent politicians may soon be denied the right to take the sacrament in San Francisco.
His letter also offered an olive branch, of sorts, with the Archbishop inviting Pelosi to meet with him to discuss the matter before she is actually denied Holy Communion.
"It is my obligation to teach forthrightly and to shepherd caringly, and that is my intent," said Archbishop Niederauer.
One can only hope that Pelosi will accept the opportunity to learn about Catholicism and abortion from an official with the credentials and knowledge to teach her the truth.
The big question: Does Nancy Pelosi have the moral fortitude to abandon abortion as an inalienable right in favor of respect for all forms of human life?
Obviously, that remains to be seen.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Why the Gooey-Eyed Obsession With Bilingualism?
By John W. Lillpop
Just what is it about bilingualism that pushes certain liberals over the edge and into the streets as "Tower of Babel" sales sharks?
Take Barack Obama, for example.
Although the Anointed One rarely makes much sense, his cynical brand of extremism was particularly evident when he foolishly chided Americans for not being more language diverse.
This despite the fact that the Messiah is, himself, fluent only in English. Bilingual he is not, and not likely to become.
Obama's offensive language meddling reflects a gooey-eyed predilection for bilingualism common among confused liberals.
According to "progressive" standards, speaking at least two languages automatically makes one a better citizen of the world, more spiritual, more human, more deserving of everything including sexual pleasure.
Proficiency in three or more languages confers the honor of Intellectual Elitist on one so blessed, according to liberals.
Fact of the matter is that bilingualism is promoted in America for two equally scandalous reasons:
* To provide additional income for teachers who specialize in ripping off the public in multiple languages, a skill which earns said educators premium pay, and
* To pander to newcomers, including illegal aliens, who want all of the goodies accruing to those living in America, but who have absolutely no interest whatsoever in assimilating into American mainstream culture.
Despite the fact that English is the language of international business as well as being mandatory for those who work in the airline industry everywhere on the planet, many Hispanics are down right skittish when it comes to English.
For such people, bilingualism is cool, provided that the two languages involved are Mexican and Spanish.
When push comes to shove, these people inevitably stoop to charges of Racism! against Americans who advocate preservation of English as the language of commerce, law, education, government, and culture in these United States.
Unfortunately, liberals almost always join Hispanics in their bitter opposition to English; greedy Democratic politicians trolling for Hispanic votes are the culprits here.
However, while the left can be counted on to scream Racism! at anything even remotely resembling pro-English advocacy, these same warriors become dead silent when it comes to Hispanics and their fondness for Spanish.
How is it that American citizens who are strongly pro-English can be logically thought of as bigoted racists, while Hispanics who are just as ardently pro-Spanish (and anti-English) are not?
During his "talking down" to American parents about language diversity, Barack Obama went so far as to suggest that adults should assure that their children can speak and understand Spanish.
Time to wake up, Mr. Obama, and other out-of-touch liberals!
Trashing people for speaking their native tongue at home, and then nagging at them to learn a foreign language common to illegal aliens, may be cool for a "Community Organizer" in Illinois, but it is downright foolish for a man with his sights set on a White House in a very black neighborhood in Washington, D.C.
Rather than encouraging Americans to learn Spanish, Obama should remind Hispanic parents that English is the international language of business, and is increasingly so every day.
Hispanic parents with a genuine concern for the future well being of their children should make sure that those children can speak, write, and understand English. Fluently!
Which is not to say that proficiency in multiple languages should not be encouraged.
However, it is to say that first and foremost, children should be taught English. Nothing should interfere with achievement of that objective.
For enlightenment, consider what is happening in France:
As reported in the Daily Mail article found at the link, Xavier Darcos, France's Education Minister, has now admitted for the first time that the secret to success is speaking better English, and says that poor English is a 'handicap' because all international business is conducted in the language.
Darcos added that he wanted to make it easier for all French students to learn English, saying that 'while well-off families pay for study sessions abroad, I'm offering them to everyone right here.'
He went on to state that said French schools would offer extra English lessons during the holidays.
A final admonition to Hispanics: By all means, teach your children Spanish if that is your wish, but not until they are completely fluent and literate in English!
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