Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hooray for Fremont, Nebraska!

By John W. Lillpop

With a righteous wind at their backs, the good citizens of Fremont, Nebraska have passed an ordinance that will help combat the devastating invasion of their city by foreign, non-English speaking illegal aliens.

In joining the Citizens Revolt that began in Arizona with SB 1070, Fremont has invited the scorn of Mexican President Felipe Calderon, U.S. President Barack Obama, the Catholic Church, Democrats everywhere, and the anti-American Civil Liberties Union (AACLU).

As reported at, 57 percent of the 25,000 residents of this small meat-packing town have stood up and screamed, “Enough, Is Enough!”

The new ordinance will bar illegal aliens from renting in Fremont and will also obligate businesses to use the federal E-Verify database to ensure that employees are in the nation legally and eligible to work here.

Meanwhile, because he has all of America’s and most of the world’s problems in check and loads of spare time to waste when it is too dark or hot to golf, President Obama has decided to sue Arizona over SB-1070, the common sense ruling that authorizes law enforcement to verify the immigration status of those suspected of being here illegally.

Obama’s assault on American citizens and just plain common sense is joined by Hilda L. Solis, Obama’s daft Department of Labor Secretary.

This “servant of the people” has stated that “you have a right to fair wages even if you’re in the country illegally.”

So, according to Solis, the fact that you have no legal basis for being here matters not one whit.

To hell with the rule of law and the technicalities embodied in an out of date, irrelevant constitution , right Ms. Solis?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is Race a Factor in Obama’s Tepid Response to Gulf Oil Spill?

By John W. Lillpop
Independent Columnist

During and after hurricane Katrina, liberals were relentless in trashing President Bush and his administration for allegedly acting with insufficient urgency.

Driven by their searing hatred for Bush after the 2000 election, the left converted Katrina into a personal vendetta against W., while essentially ignoring the poor performances of Louisiana Governor Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Nagin, both, coincidentally, card-carrying Democrats.

It was even suggested that W. deliberately dragged his feet because so many of the victims in New Orleans were poor, old black folks.

Night after night, it will be recalled, the media showed images of suffering blacks sloshing around muddy, vile waters long after the storm had passed.

The not-so-subtle message conveyed to the American public was, “This is happening because W. hates black people!”

This distortion of the news and the hatred it provoked against a sitting president is a sad commentary on the sorry state of American media, which is supposed to provide objectivity and accuracy.

Nothing even remotely resembling the lynching of W. is taking place in the media coverage of Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill.

One wonders why the media have not seen fit to question the possible impact of race in the president’s action, or inaction to be more precise.

After all, the offending enterprise is British Petroleum, managed by mostly Caucasian males. Would Obama have moved more swiftly and decisively were that were not so?

Moreover, the majority of the oil spill victims are Caucasians whose pristine beaches have been sullied, and white business owners driven into the abyss by gobs of crude muck.

Would the president have acted before fifty days had passed if the victims were poor and old blacks?

Just asking.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lakers 83-Celtics 79: THAT's American!

By John W. Lillpop

On an otherwise dreary day in the world of sports, the Los Angeles Lakers nipped the Boston Celtics by a score of 83-79 to claim the NBA basketball title for the second year in a row.

Fans all over the world were treated to 60 action-packed minutes of in-your-face, rough and tumble basketball at it’s best, where the athletes actually scored—and when you get down to it, isn’t that the objective of all sports?

Prancing up and down a grassy field without actually scoring a goal is sort of like kissing your spinster aunt: Why bother?

A grand total of 162 points were scored as the east versus west drama gave fans plenty to cheer about, made all the more exciting as the outcome of the game remained uncertain until the last 7.5 seconds.

Meanwhile for those who consider scoring of any sort to be a distraction, World Cup soccer provided another exhilarating day of zeros and near zeros!

Serbia stunned Germany 1-0.

Mexico upset France 2-0.

As Joe Biden might say, “BFD!”

Other bits and pieces about the basketball championship:

Although Los Angeles and Boston fans are insanely fanatical about their teams and folks in Los Angeles got a bit rowdy after the game, no one was trampled to death, no government was taken over by a military coup because the local five lost.

And best of all, Los Angeles was not burdened with tens of thousands of drunken “vuvuzela” players making life miserable for spectators, players, the press, and all other living organisms within 100 miles.

Loud, screaming fans, yes. Vuvuzelas, no!

Still, there may be a way to salvage soccer by making it more provocative, a bit more physical as it were.

For example, I might be tempted to tune in to watch North Korea and South Korea do battle. Might be persuaded to do the same with a match between Iran and Israel!

But Mexico and France? Or Serbia and Germany?

Don't be silly!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oil Industry in Ruins: "Mission Accomplished" Banner for Obama?

By John W. Lillpop

This is not to suggest that any credible evidence has surfaced which would cause one to conclude that President Obama actually conspired to bankrupt BP and the oil industry.

But,it is curious, is it not, that nearly 50 days lapsed before the president really focused on the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history?

This response time from the man who dropped everything and jetted off to Copenhagen just to pitch Chicago as host to the 2016 Olympics, a pitch that ultimately failed.

Indeed, when it came to the possibility of being seen as a conquering hero just for showing up and giving a speech, there was no hesitation, no delay, no dithering.

Americans must be suspicious and wary of any candidate who proposes to use the power of government to “bankrupt” private enterprise.

Candidate Obama did exactly that during his campaign for the presidency. As reported at reference 1, in part, Obama said the following in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in January of 2008.

Obama’s words:

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

“That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.

“The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

Everyone knows that liberals loath the oil industry and would do damn near anything to destroy oil as an energy option in America.

How much of a leap, then, is it to wonder if Obama’s lame performance on the Gulf oil crisis was programmed incompetence, orchestrated to ruin an industry that the left hates?

The burning question: Does the bankrupting of BP and big oil earn Obama a “Mission Accomplished”? banner from the left?