Sunday, September 25, 2011

Vetting Governor Christie on Illegal Aliens

By John W. Lillpop

By ‘clarifying’ his position on illegal aliens and the DREAM act during the GOP debate in Orlando, Governor Rick Perry managed to insult millions of good American people (most of whom are blessed with hearts) who sincerely believe that illegals are a serious threat to this nation’s homeland security, sovereignty, and above all else, the rule of law.

Those same patriots also believe that any actions which reward illegals with in-state tuition, driver's licenses, and other benefits serve only to encourage ever greater numbers to come here illegally.

Consequently, as the Rick Perry candidacy smolders in the ruins of self-inflicted waterboarding, conservatives looking for a candidate with a strong, pro-America resume on illegal aliens have been forced to rethink and reboot.

During the course of that process, the name of Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey has inevitably surfaced and, because of his tough fiscal manners, the Governor is being pressured to ‘reconsider’ his non-candidacy for the presidency.

However, a cursory vetting of the rotund Governor exposes the fact that he is a flaming RINO when it comes to illegal aliens.

As documented at the reference, in part:

If Chris Christie really does intend to present himself as some sort of conservative leader on the national scene, he's got a lot of 'splainin' to do about his position on illegal immigration.

That phrase, by the way, comes from Desi Arnaz of "I Love Lucy" fame. Desi was, quite famously, an immigrant - a legal one.

Arnaz took advantage of the "path to citizenship" that was then, and is now, available to foreigners.

So just what is Christie hinting at when he tells Jake Tapper in the clip above that we need a "commonsense path to citizenship." We already have one, and more than a million people a year take advantage of it.

What's he's hinting at, of course, is amnesty. But pols know the A-word scares voters, so they use the slippery "path to citizenship" line to fool the public. Are you fooled? Me neither.

But I love when our governor tells Tapper "there have been folks all over the map on this bill."

Yeah, folks named Chris Christie. Recently he criticized Arizona officials for attempting to do what he so conspicuously failed to do as U.S. Attorney - enforce immigration law.

The same reference continues:

If Christie really intends to make a move nationally, he'd better buy up every copy of the Lou Dobbs clip below:

So there we have it: Another double-talking RINO on illegal aliens.

Sorry Governor, but American don’t need another stinkin’ pro-illegal alien president!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fast and Furious Explodes!

By John W. Lillpop

Much to the chagrin of President Obama and his supporters, the ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal and cover-up are simply not going away.

In fact, for the first time investigators have uncovered e-mails which detail possible White House involvement in the execution and cover-up.

As a result, Fast and Furious is now in the same league as “Watergate” when it comes to high crimes and misdemeanors.

As reported at the web site of former Congressman Tom Tancredo in an article written by John Hill in NEWS:">

“The disastrous Obama Administration operation “Fast and Furious”, which deliberately put guns in the hands of the Mexican cartel, exploded this week with new revelations of a cover-up, and emails which tie the scandal directly to the White House for the first time.

“Fast and Furious” was an attempt to intercept gun-trafficking that sent 2,000 guns to cartel operatives via straw buyers. Critics believe that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder saw the program as an opportunity to embarrass U.S.-based gun dealers, and help galvanize support for increased gun-control measures, while controlling where and how the guns would be “walked” across the border. But the operation went horribly wrong as the guns went unaccounted for, leading to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry last December in Arizona, and the deaths of untold others inside Mexico – all using guns provided by the ATF. Holder denied knowledge of the operation at a U.S. House hearing on May 3rd, but subsequent revelations clearly show both Holder and the White House had been informed about this program as it ran off the rails.

Now it has been revealed that after the death of Agent Terry, Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley and then-U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke colluded to cover-up the fact that Terry was killed using one of the guns from ‘Fast and Furious’. Evidence shows that Hurley – who knew “almost immediately” that the guns could be traced to the program, contacted Burke, and they agreed to cover it up:

In an internal email the day after the murder, Hurley, and then-U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, decided not to disclose the connection, saying ” … this way we do not divulge our current case (Fast and Furious) or the Border Patrol shooting case.”

As Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said “The level of involvement of the United States Attorney’s Office … in the genesis and implementation of this case is striking.” Grassley and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) are investigating the scandal, and AG Holder’s knowledge and role in its implementation.

Grassley’s office on Thursday also revealed that 21 more Fast and Furious guns have been found at violent crime scenes in Mexico. That is up from 11 the agency admitted just last month, and Grassley said he can only imagine the carnage that will be shown to have been made possible by the thousands of guns put into the hands of criminals by the Obama Administration.

Grassley and Issa also Thursday asked Justice for “interviews, emails, memos and even hand-written notes from members of the U.S. attorney’s office” involved with ‘Fast and Furious’. Thus far, Holder’s arrogant department has stonewalled, deceived and provided censored testimony, when it even responds.

And now, for the first time, evidence that the White House – which had denied knowledge of the operation – did in fact know about the scandal. At least three national security officials in the White House were briefed to some extent on the operation:

The supervisor of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation in Phoenix specifically mentioned Fast and Furious in at least one email to a White House national security official, and two other White House colleagues were briefed on reports from the supervisor, according to White House emails and a senior administration official.

The White House denies that they were informed of the operation’s “covert investigative tactics”, which sounds an awful lot like parsing to avoid legal jeopardy.

Where is the national media on this? During the Watergate scandal, the nation came to a screeching halt while the media expended unlimited resources exposing the debacle – no detail was too small to be exposed.

With “Fast and Furious”? Crickets. Sure, they’ll mention new details when leaked to them, or notable testimony from a House hearing. But unlike Watergate, the national media will not put dedicated reporters on the trail to dig up the whole story. Even when the Attorney General is caught in a lie – under oath. Even White House is now proven to have been in the loop all along – despite their denials.

And no one was killed from Watergate.

Hey media: do your damn job. If not for us, then do it for him…”

Unfortunately, the liberal media is still mesmerized by the Obama mystique and the “thrill” that The One causes to run up and down the legs of alleged journalists.

That means that the media will most likely be a part of the cover up, rather than an objective seeker of truth.

Still, President Obama and Eric Holder are no longer able to block the inquiry with contrived transfers, demotions, and reorganization tricks because the US House is in the hands of Republicans who will persist until the question, “What did Obama know and when did he know it?” is answered satisfactorily!

Barack Obama and Erick Holder MUST be held accountable.


Many thanks to Tom Tancredo for publishing this report on his web site.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

DREAM Act for Illegals Is the "American Way," Governor Perry???

By John W. Lillpop

Governor Rick Perry is an impressive conservative candidate, and on most issues, he would have my vote.

However, I cannot vote for this man because of his despicable record and position with respect to illegal aliens.

During the most recent debate, the Governor made his position very clear as reported at reference one, in part:

In the state of Texas, if you’ve been in the state of Texas for three years, if you’re working towards your college degree, and if you are working and pursuing citizenship in the state of Texas, you pay in-state tuition there,” said Perry.

“And the bottom line is, it doesn’t make any difference what the sound of your last name is. That is the American way,” said Perry. “No matter how you got into that state, from the standpoint of your parents brought you there or what have you. And that’s what we’ve done in the state of Texas. And I’m proud that we are having those individuals be contributing members of our society rather than telling them, you go be on the government dole

Using taxpayer funds to support people who have ignored our borders and immigration laws is the American Way?

Perry’s comment is as wrong-minded and despicable as the anti-rule of law spiel issued by Nancy Pelosi in 2009. As reported at reference 2, Pelosi said, in part:

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

“The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."

Nancy Pelosi and Rick Perry: Identical philosophy when it comes to illegal aliens?

The position taken by Perry and Pelosi ignores American sovereignty and the rule of law, and the importance of American values and culture, and ignores the financial impact of illegals.

Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $110 billion a year. Why in the hell are we spending that money on invaders who have no moral or legal right to be here, especially when 14-26 Americans are out of work or are underemployed?

The American people are suffering desperately: Foreclosures, bankruptcies, the federal deficit, and unemployment are out of control and you want to spend money on illegal aliens?

Treating illegal aliens like citizens sends a terrible message to others considering an unlawful migration north: America is not serious about its borders or laws. Go to America for free everything!

A recent census report (see reference 3)revealed these starting details:

The official poverty rate in 2010 was 15.1 percent — up from 14.3 percent in 2009. This was the third consecutive annual increase in the poverty rate. Since 2007, the poverty rate has increased by 2.6 percentage points, from 12.5 percent to 15.1 percent.

In 2010, 46.2 million people were in poverty, up from 43.6 million in 2009—the fourth consecutive annual increase in the number of people in poverty.”

46 million Americans living in poverty, and you think it is OK to spend taxpayer money on illegal aliens?

Have you lost your bearings, Governor?

In my view, you are more akin to Nancy Pelosi than a true conservative.

NO on Perry!

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Thursday, September 1, 2011

When It Comes to Raw, Unbridled Arrogance, Obama Is Peerless!

By John W. Lillpop

One of Barack Obama’s more objectionable mannerisms is his maddening arrogance. From his body language to his spoken words, Obama seems to be saying, “I am better than you! So shut up while I explain everything.”

Perhaps that analysis is founded on an inability to accept the fact that a man of color speaks so eloquently?

The “R” word in action, right?


How, then, does one explain the following comments from the Reverend Jesse Jackson in July of 2008 as detailed in the reference:

“In July 2008, FOX network aired a video in which Jackson leans over and whispers, "See, Barack been, um, talking down to black people on this faith based ... I want cut his n**s off ... Barack ... he's talking down to black people."

For emphasis, Jackson appeared to make a stabbing or cutting motion with his hand.”

Talking down to black people, of all things! The audacity is palpable.

Since then, Obama has become more inclusive and he now talks down to all races, faiths, IQ brackets, nationalities, and social classes.

Barack has truly grown into an equal opportunity offender!

If fact, it can be said without fear of contradiction that were arrogance a commodity like gold, Obama would be able to eliminate the entirety of the federal deficit with just the sweat from his brow AND still remain obscenely rich!

In the early days of Obama’s presidency, there was a tendency to dismiss his arrogance because, after all, he was soooooooo very intelligent and gifted.

However, after nearly three years of stimulus failures, raging unemployment, double-dip recessions and a trail of foreign and domestic policy failures that would gag a maggot, Obama no longer deserve any “slack” for that signature smirk.

The man is a failure and as such needs to reign in his over-pampered ego to be consistent with his failed performance!